Help Keep Slack Radio On Air

Support Slack Radio and Help Us Keep Independent Music Alive!

At Slack Radio, we are committed to giving local and unsigned bands the platform they deserve to be heard around the world.

Your donations help us continue to amplify these voices and share their incredible talent with music fans everywhere.

  • Why Donate?

    ✅ Help keep independent music thriving

    ✅ Support up-and-coming artists who need exposure

    ✅ Ensure that Slack Radio stays ad-free and focused on the music

  • How Your Donation Helps:

    ✅ Covering operational costs to keep the station running 24/7

    ✅ Supporting technical upgrades for the best possible listening experience

    ✅ Giving bands the credit they deserve by featuring their music globally

Ways to Donate:

Patreon: Become a Patron to support us with monthly contributions and get exclusive rewards!

Venmo: Donate via Venmo for a quick and easy way to contribute directly to Slack Radio.

Contact the Show

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